Broil the poblano peppers in a 450° oven until they blister (2-5 minutes). Turn over once one side blackens a little bit and allow the other side to broil.Remove from the oven, and place poblano peppers in a bowl, covered with a lid to steam them for 5 minutes.Remove the skins and seeds and chop.In a pot, heat some oilAdd chopped garlic and onion and saute until transluscentAdd 2 cans of fire roasted tomatoes and saute some moreAdd the poblano peppers, and pinto beans and salt liberallyAdd an optional can of vegetable broth or some water and allow this to simmer on medium for about 10 minutes.Remove from heat and blendGarnish with some tortilla strips, avocado, chives, cilantro, greek yogurt or whatever you would like! My garnish was some pea shoots, avocado and home-made tortilla strips.